Monday, July 21, 2014

Massive Swan Pencil Illustration Hangs 7 Feet Wide

Beijing-based illustrator Alice Lin creates beautiful illustrations filled with rich, strikingly crisp details. One of her recent works, Faramita, features a giant swan with large fluttering wings spread wide. The artist used only pencil on Canson drawing paper to create the elaborate illustration, which hangs almost 7 feet wide by 3.5 feet tall and took approximately one month to complete.
Layer upon layer of pencil, Lin creates amazing details by paying close attention to light and shadows and creating an incredible depth to her illustrations. She uses reality as the basis for her work but then expands upon these ideas to create fascinating concepts filled with surreal elements. As viewers inspect the image of the swan, imaginative details reveal themselves in the form of tiny skulls swirling around the wings, while human forms emerge from the chaotic cluster of feathers.

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